Digital Photography and Imaging : Final compilation and reflection

23.8.2021-22.11.2021 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Chung Yi Ki / 0345014 / BDCM
Digital Photography and Imaging
Final Compilation and Reflection

Instructions and full detailed blog posts

Final submissions 

Project 1: Physical and digital collage

30.8.2021 - 20.9.2021 (Week 2 - Week 5)

Fig 1.1 Final physical collage outcome - JPG

Fig 1.2 Final physical collage outcome - PDF

Fig 1.3 Final digital collage outcome - JPG

Fig 1.4 Final digital collage outcome - PDF

Project 2: Digital imaging - "My reflection", recolouring black and white, mental health PSA poster 

20.9.2021 - 18.10.2021 (Week 5 - Week 9)

Fig 2.1 Final digital imaging - my reflection outcome - JPG

Fig 2.2 Final digital imaging - my reflection outcome - PDF

Fig 2.3 Final recolouring balck and white outcome - JPG

Fig 2.4 Final recolouring balck and white outcome - PDF

Fig 2.5 Final mental health PSA poster outcome - JPG

Fig 2.6 Final mental health PSA poster outcome - PDF

The message of the poster is to tell people who is suffering with mental health problems to find the help that they need and should not be hesitant to do so. They don’t have to suffer alone even during this pandemic and it’s ok to ask for help. The messy string symbolizes the person’s thoughts (frustration, anxiousness, depressive etc.). The hand taking hold of one end of the string to untangle it symbolize another person helping the one who is sitting on the floor to get through this dark time.

Final project: Self-titled surrealism poster

18.10.2021 - 22.11.2021 (Week 9 - Week 14)

Fig 3.1 Final self-titled surrealism poster - JPG

Fig 3.2 Final Self-titled surrealism poster outcome - PDF
Title: Wanderer 

Artist statement: 
A surrealism poster with the concept of getting lost in my own world and living in my own time, visualized in a way where I’m up in the sky under the starry night and above a sea of clouds.
The castle is used to depict my love for fantasy and also to show that I’m leaving from the grounded reality along with the flying watch, since castles exist in real life too and not just in fantasy stories. By putting myself in a watch while reading a book, it represents that I get lost in my own time when I immerse my thoughts in something I like to do (in this case, it’s reading books). The inclusion of stars in my poster are used to represent imaginations and dreams, while the moon becoming a dandelion is to further show the message of me wandering in my own thought (dandelion flying away) and also to show that the world in the poster now is not reality.

Extra note on a detail: 
The subtle stack of books beside me in the cover of the pocket watch are all fantasy novels.


This module was really fun for me. I always liked playing around with Photoshop so getting to learn and explore more about the software throughout these 14 weeks was really enjoyable for me. The most interesting thing to learn for me is learning how to take photographs with the right lighting and merging them with multiple other photographs using Photoshop. I always wanted to try that out but never got around in doing it, so I’m really glad that I got the chance to do it in this module. Another thing I enjoy learning about in this module is photography (of course). Although I had Introduction to Photography module back in Foundation in Design, this module is different as it puts more focus in how to take pictures to be used for graphic design purposes later. So instead of just taking a nice picture, I had to kind of create a make-shift photo studio in my home where I find a white paper or a white background to use as a backdrop and a ring light to use as an artificial lighting which I can control. It’s a different experience compared to taking pictures of things you see right on the spot, and it made me understand more about lighting in photography. 

For my class experience, it was overall a good and enjoyable experience. Mr. Martin had helped me a lot in giving informative lectures, demonstrations, and very useful feedbacks. I was able to monitor my own progress and understand what needs to be improve more on my own work. During when Mr. Martin had to conduct an on-campus tutorial/practical class (which I didn’t get to join unfortunately) and Mr. Fauzi had to step in for lecture, Mr. Fauzi had helped me a lot in my final project too by giving feedbacks along with a quick demonstration. All in all, this was an interesting module and I had fun taking part in it during these 14 weeks. 
