Video and Sound Production: Exercises

1.4.2022 - 1.7.2022 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Chung Yi Ki / 0345014 / BDCM
Video and Sound Production

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Week 1 (1/4/2022)

In this week, following the tutorial activity in week 1, we are given 21 clips of a video and are tasked to edit them together to make one full video. 

Fig 1.1 Screenshot of video clips

Fig 1.2 Premiere Pro timeline

Fig 1.3 Final edited video

Week 7 (13/5/2022)

Fig 2.1 Screenshot of provided video files
Google drive link:

Fig 2.2 Screenshot of Adobe Premiere Pro timeline

Fig 2.3 Final Ake demo reshoot edited video

In this week, we are given a set of videos of a reshoot of a an advertisement called "Ake". We are tasked to edit the clips according to the original advertisement and trim the compiled clips until the final video length is 30 seconds long using the ripple editing tool. 

Week 9 (27/5/2022)

For this week, we are tasked with watching 3 videos about colour correction:
After that, we'll need to colour correct the Ake demo reshoot that we edited in week 8. 

Fig 3.1 Basic correction #1

Fig 3.2 Colour wheels adjustment for basic correction #1

Fig 3.3 Basic correction #2

Fig 3.4 Basic correction #3

Fig 3.5 Colour wheels adjustment for basic correction #2 and #3

Fig 3.6 Basic correction #4

Fig 3.7 Colour wheels adjustment for basic correct #4

I picked some scenes to colour correct first, which are the first 3 scenes, and then use the same settings throughout the other scenes according to their similarity to the first 3 scenes. For some scenes such as the one in Fig 3.3, some settings in the basic correction are adjusted to fit that particular scene. 

Fig 3.8 Final colour corrected Ake demo reshoot edited video


Through doing these exercises, it helped me learn more about the tools in Adobe Premiere Pro and practice my editing skills. Especially with the colour correcting exercise. I was not familiar with the skills of colour correction and grading before so doing that exercise definitely helped me understand more on how to colour correct and helped for my other projects. 
