Profession Development Week Reflection

10.6.2024 (Week 8)
Chung Yi Ki / 0345014 / BDCM
Professional Development Week 


In this Professional Development Week programme, I have attended 6 talks which are “Financial Literacy for Fresh Graduate” by Maybank, “Keynote: Aspire to Inspire” by Pos Malaysia, “The Art of Storytelling” by Kakiseni, "Maximize Your LinkedIn Presence" by Linkedin, "Film Acquisitions, Marketing & Distribution in Malaysia" by Golden Screen Cinema (GSC), and "Digital Transformation and Solutions: The Importance of Making It Easy" by Aplikasi. Attending these talks have given me a lot of great insights on how I should plan for my future career path as well as sustaining myself in general. 

Firstly, the first talk “Financial Literacy for Fresh Graduate” have taught me on how to manage my finance by saving and investing as well as the differences between them. Through the talk I understood the advice of “own, don’t owe” and mistakes that I should avoid when I start investing, such as plunging head first into risky investments and following the action of friends before doing some financial checks first. It made me realised that I should take note on my current financial savings and start to plan on how I want to manage it in the future. 

The second talk “Keynote: Aspire to Inspire” talked about the attitude and mindset that we should employ in ourselves to be successful in our career paths. The advice given was that we should always practice our craft until we master it to be skilled in our work, and that we have to be honest and humble to others so that we can earn their respect and learn from them. I think the advice given is very important as soft skills are just as crucial as hard skills in the working world. Plus, when people like to talk to you, it makes networking easier and thus, more job opportunities. 

The third talk “The Art of Storytelling” details the whys and hows on telling a successful story to gain audience traction towards a cause or a specific topic. It emphasises that we must always tell stories in an authentic way that can relate to our target audience, this includes the language we use and the actions we display. This is so that people will relate to our stories and be persuaded to join in the cause. The speaker also mentions that humour is a big audience-pulling factor in storytelling as it attracts audience more. As a student studying digital animation, I think this information is very helpful to me as it gave me useful advice on how to craft a relatable story that audiences would enjoy watching. 

The fourth talk "Maximize Your LinkedIn Presence" gave advice and suggestions on how we can maximise our use of LinkedIn to have a bigger chance in getting noticed by industry people and land a job. One of the example was to put our details including achievements and qualifications in our profile header so it’s easier to catch recruiter’s attention. This talk has given me insight on how to further improve my LinkedIn profile presentation, which I will keep in mind the next time I update it. 

The fifth talk "Film Acquisitions, Marketing & Distribution in Malaysia" gave a deep dive into the cinema industry in Malaysia and how film rights are bought to screen in this country. It talked about the process of acquiring films in film festivals until doing marketing to promote the film and screening it in cinema, the requirements to become a film buyer and the future of film distribution. I learned a lot from this talk about how the film industry, in the business side, runs in Malaysia, which can also be applied to a global context. This information can help me understand the production pipeline more if I ever work in the film industry. 

Lastly, the sixth talk "Digital Transformation and Solutions: The Importance of Making It Easy" explains how the current market is adapting to modern technology and digitisation can help in growing a business. An key takeaway from the talk is that having digital skills are important in the future as it increases job opportunities, have a higher salary, improve career progression and thus, enhancing job security. I wholly agree to this seeing how lucrative and fast-growing the tech industry is, even as a designer, we rely on software to do our work too. So, getting ourselves familiar with digital trends is indeed important in career progression. 

All in all, it was an informative Professional Development Week and I am sure the multitude of insights that I’ve gotten from various speakers will no doubt help me in making decisions in the future. 
