Design Research Dissertation: Assignment 3

25.11.2022 - 11.12.2022 (Week 13 - Week 15)
Chung Yi Ki / 0345014 / BDCM
Design Research Dissertation
Assignment 3 / Research for Article Publication


Week 11 / Dissertation into an article 

Fig 1.1 Difference between dissertations and journal articles
Source: Lecture slides

Journal article is much shorter than dissertation, only selected points and information are included in an article than in a dissertation. Extract certain information from dissertation and re-tweak it to fufill the article's format requirement 

Be concise, shorten your original wordings, don't need to emphasise information further in detail than needed. essential information only. 

If you have one research methodology but many questions, you may need to focus on one only, or all of them, depending on which is best.

Focus on methodology may narrow as well.


For this project, we are tasked to convert our dissertation writing to a journal article. The journal article writing should only focus on a specific area in the dissertation and it should follow the KREATE journal article format. 

Journal article writing

Fig 1.1 Journal article - Draft 1

Fig 1.2 Journal article - Draft 2

I started by bringing relevant writings from the final dissertation into the journal article and rephrased sentences where necessary. I first tried to write the article as a summary of the main findings in the dissertation but found that it is too long and too much information to fir in a journal article. So I  changed to focus on the  utilisation of exaggeration in animation to create emotional impact in my journal article, which is the point of my research question 2 in my dissertation. 

After receiving feedbacks from Dr. Hayati, I edited and rewrote the introduction and problem statement from the dissertation to match the content of the journal article. I also copy and pasted tables and figures from the final dissertation into the journal article, and added one new figure to better describe a point in the article, which is the screenshot of a frame from Arcane. 

Fig 1.3 Journal article - Draft 3

Fig 1.4 Journal article - Draft 4

I then put the writing into the journal article format and wrote the abstract for the journal article as well as edited introduction and conclusion to be more complete. Added reference list and appendices. I also made changes to the content of the tables from the final dissertation to only mention the subjects stated in the article. I decided to change to only focus on two animated scenes from the 5 used in the dissertation observational studies as those two are enough to elaborate my points. 

After receiving feedbacks from Dr. Hayati, I put the appendices in a grey box to provide a visual separation from each other. 

Fig 1.5 Journal article - Draft 5

After receiving feedbacks from Dr. Hayati, I made the needed changes to the sentence structure and corrected some grammatical errors according to the comments I received. I also added the Reddit post screenshot from r/animation in the methodology section to better describe the method. I then added in questionnaire respondents’ answers in 3rd paragraph of findings and discussion to provide a clear comparison between the two contrasting views and formatted the reference list with hanging indents. Other than that, I also reduced the line spacing in the tables in Microsoft Word to allow easier reading of the tables, and to avoid using too much unnecessary space. I re-read the article again to make sure all the figures, tables and appendices numberings are correct, and check if there's any overlooked typing mistakes. 

Final journal article

Fig 2.1 Final Journal Article


Week 13
General feedback: Try and look into your research questions and objectives to determine which area to focus on in your article. Look into Section 4 and 5 of the dissertation as well, should be able to determine which area to focus from there. For the  methodology section, can only mention a specific part from that section in the article.

Specific feedback: Need to edit the introduction to match the article title as exaggeration in animation as a principle, rather than storytelling. Focus on explaining using exaggeration as a principle to create emotional impact. Focus on the second research question from the dissertation in the journal article. It’s a matter of rewording the writings in the dissertation to have them in line with the journal article.

Week 14
Specific feedback: Put the appendices in a grey box to differentiate between different appendices.

Week 15
Specific feedback: Dr. Hayati gave this week’s feedback through Google Doc comments in my journal article - draft 4 file. Some sentence restructuring and grammatical corrections were noted down. I was asked to add a screenshot of the Reddit posts in my methodology section, provide a clear comparison between the two opposing views on semi-realistic and cartoonish character designs in the 3rd paragraph of findings and discussion section, and put hanging indent to the reference list so that it adheres to the APA format. 


Figuring out what to focus on for my journal article started somewhat challenging as I first tried to summarise the main points in my dissertation in the journal article I then realised it won’t work as there is too much information. So, I relooked with what I have written and found out that I could focus on discussing the utilisation of exaggeration as a lot of the points are related to my second research question. Thus, I rewrote my article and linked the points to be coherent in the discussion of that topic.

Writing the abstract, introduction and problem statement was somewhat challenging for me as well since only some points from the dissertation are relevant, so I needed to figure out how to resentence them to fit the article. Adhering to the word count limit was also another challenge as I tend to write longer sentences. But in the end, I managed to include the things I want to discuss and declare within the journal article requirement.
