Design Research Dissertation: Assignment 2

21.10.2022 - 20.11.2022 (Week 8 - Week 12)
Chung Yi Ki / 0345014 / BDCM
Design Research Dissertation
Assignment 2 / Final Dissertation Visual Design Publication and TURNITIN submission


Week 7 / Visual Design Final Dissertation

Preparation for design process
  • Read the copy of writing to understand the topic to design 
  • Examine the images
  • Prepare the template through sketching 
Some elements such as pagination, cover design and writing sections would need to be editing or changed to match the layout of the design.

The design should be unique and have an individual treatment, the layout should be intuitive and should showcase the points written in the dissertation. 

Determine the size of the paper before determining the design layout.

There are various binding available, such as saddle stitch, perfect bound, spiral and wire-o. It's good to keep in mind of the binding choice if designing for printing publication. 

0.5 margin for outer sides and 0.8 margin for binding areas. 0.125 bleed. 

Larger headers (30pt and above) 
Primary header (16-24 pt)
Sub headers (12pt bold)
Body copy (10-12pt regular)
Footnote/page count (8pt)

Make sure to adjust the leading, widows and orphans, and rags of the body copy paragraph as well. 

300dpi is the best resolution for images. Though, try to use vector graphics is possible rather than raster graphics 

Make sure there is page numbers and table of contents. The section header should be at the top of the page as well. 

Try to add in a full spread, and maybe try setting an entire page in one solid colour which would help in the composition. Also think of the accent colours as well other than main colour. Be sure to do it in CMYK colour profile. 


For this project, we are tasked to turn our dissertation into a publication design. The design should be reflect the topic of our dissertation and it should be uploaded on fliphtml5 as submission. The draft dissertation should also be finalised into a final dissertation based on the given feedbacks and be submitted on Turnitin for plagiarism checking. 

Moodboard, cover design and draft tryouts of layout

Fig 1.1 Moodboard, cover design and draft tryouts of layouts

To start off, I looked up on visual references for my design idea and compiled them as a moodboard. I then created a cover design in Adobe Illustrator based on my idea from my design research methodology slide design: storyboard/animation sketch elements and theatre masks. I also created a draft layout design for introduction and contents in Adobe Indesign. For the content page, I used a timing chart concept as the layout. The borders around the page is a reference to the rectangular boarders in storyboards. 

Fig 1.2 Revised cover design

Fig 1.3 Revised introduction section in dissertation

After receiving feedbacks from Dr. Hayati, I changed the cover a bit by adding colour to the theatre masks and the ellipse strokes to give some visual interest. I also realigned the words and the arrow to give them a better flow. For the dissertation writing, I did conceptual framework and edited the introduction section to have different subsections in the final dissertation.

Publication design progress

Fig 2.1 Torn paper graphic tryout 1

Fig 2.2 Torn paper graphic tryout 2

I tried out implementing some torn paper graphic in my design to give it a more "notebook" feel, but then I decided to not use this idea as I think it's not very fitting with the design concept I'm going for. I decided to stick with using rectangular borders for my layout. 

Fig 2.3 Adobe Indesign workspace

Fig 2.4 Aligning the text using baseline

Throughout the weeks I proceeded with my publication design using Adobe Indesign. I used red ellipses to enclose important text or quotes in the layout and also bolded certain points within running texts to give the text columns some texture. I also made sure that each block of text are aligned to each other on the baseline grid. 

Fig 2.5 Creating sketchy lines assests in Adobe Illustrator

Fig 2.6 Redesigning figures and tables

Fig 2.7 Different colour emotion theatre masks assets

I also used Adobe Illustrator to create multiple sketchy lines, circles and strokes assets to be used in the design. The figures and tables in the dissertation are also redesigned in Adobe Illustrator to match the design concept of the dissertation as well. I also made some different colour emotion theatre masks to act as section breakers in the publication design. All the vector assets were brought to Adobe Indesign to create the layout of the pages. 

Fig 2.8 Copyright page of the publication

In the copyright page of the publication, I added a dummy barcode which I downloaded from an online barcode generator.

Fig 2.9 Back cover

For my back cover, I brought back the double rectangular border from the front cover and sketchy line elements from the front cover. I found a vector file of Taylor's University logo from a website and downloaded it to use in my design. I modified the Taylor's logo to have a sketchy outer stroke in Adobe Illustrator. 

After finishing with the publication design, I exported it as pdf and uploaded it to fliphtml5 for submission. 

Final dissertation refinement

Fig 3.1 Revised final dissertation 

After receiving feedbacks from Dr. Hayati, I further revised my draft dissertation to make it final.  I corrected the table and figures numbering and added summary conclusion for section 3,4,5. I also added a declaration for the research models in section 5.  The research models in section 5 were also renamed to be the answer to the research questions. Then, I double checked on grammar and number/spelled-number rules in each paragraph. I then brought the revised writing in the design publication before submitting the design. 

Though, since the deadline for final dissertation submission was extended to Dec 4th, I later realised that I've missed a source in my reference list after submitting my design publication. I wished that I noticed this earlier, but I guess it'll be a lesson on careless mistake for me and I made the correction in my final dissertation. After that, I submitted my final dissertation to Turnitin for plagiarism checking. 

Final visual design publication and Turnitin submission

Link to final visual design publication:

Fig 4.1 Final visual design publication - PDF

Fig 4.2 Final dissertation Turnitin submission


Week 9 
General feedback: Be careful of copyright issues, if you need to use copyright images, remember to credit the source in the picture credits.

In the 2nd page of the book (after cover page), put only the title to emphasise it, can be white background or whatever solid colour is in your theme the taylor's logo shouldn't be too big in the copyright page, can imitate some of the existing copyright page.

Remember to put the roman page number. Look into design for your page numbers as well. Try and change the look of your tables and charts to match the style of your dissertation publication design .

Specific feedback: Maybe use Helvetica as body text font  as Univers has a more bold and manly look. 

For the cover page, try different background colour, or maybe change the stroke or font colour, or change the theatre  mask colour. Resize the “a study of” or move it closer to the eclipse stroke, and make “animation storytelling” larger.

Content page is ok. Remember to format the text so the form looks better. Maybe apply different colours for different section, or change the colour for specific pages to differentiate the sections.

In the draft dissertation, section the introduction to research background and problem statement. Do conceptual framework for introduction section. If you want to include torn paper or masking tape elements then you can just go Google some images and use it instead, don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Week 10
General feedback: Make sure the composition in the layout is balanced and not too loose or too cramped.

Specific feedback: If you want to have torn paper texture, you can try covering it to the whole spread, and it doesn't have to be kept for all pages, it can just be for certain pages. But it depends on you if you want to implement it according to your concept idea. 

The yellow for the yellow mask could be more towards yellow ocher than lime yellow, the blue colour for the blue mask can be lighter since it's too contrasting when paired up with the page colour. 

Other than the emphasised text you have in the ellipse stroke, there could also be certain text you want to emphasise within the column of running text where you can bold it or even resize it as well, which would give some texture to the running text. 

Keeping the sketchy stroke for the charts, tables, and flowcharts is a good idea as it keeps to the theme of the design. 

In the conceptual framework for the introduction section, since your research isn't focused on camera effects, you can take it out even though your literature review mentioned it. Put what you edited in the introduction into the layout.

Week 11
Specific feedback: The title in the draft dissertation is ok, keep with it for the final dissertation. Put the 5 keywords in the abstract. Figures and table should follow the main section number. Write a summary conclusion for every section since there’s one for section 2. Change street words like "for" to more academic words like "in regards to" etc. Change “Research method” to "Research  methodology”. Add mix method box above observational studies in the flowchart, indicate the authors that you reference to, indicate it in Section 3.0 too. Mention/declare the acronym at the start for RQ. If there’s time, it would be better to put citations for the subsections in section 3.0. Change “Research findings” to “Research findings and analysis”. Don’t start a new paragraph using “for example”. In observational studies, maybe mention the timestamp or clearly describe what is happening in the scene first before the analysis. 

Indent all the "qualitative response" etc title in section 4.0. In pg 59 "these are the two factors”, mention what factors are they. Double spacing between two main titles 4.1, 4.2, 4.3. Put quotations or declare at the start the responses were paraphrased. State the RQ again in section 5.0. The flowcharts should be labelled as models, not conceptual diagrams. The models should be declared in Section 5.0 as well and they should be named as the answer to the research questions. 

Make sure to re-read again and double check the page numbers, labels, and grammars in the whole dissertation. Make sure that everything was written objectively. 


This project was time-consuming as designing 100+ pages takes a whole longer time to complete than writing. There’s a lot to format from the dissertation writing and I had to make sure the reading flow nicely from column to column as my layout can be daunting to read in when there’s a huge block of text. Redesigning the tables and figures took some time as well since I have a lot of them in my dissertation. But formatting the text did caused me to proof-read my dissertation writing again so I got to notice some typing mistakes and corrected them while designing the publication. Still, I overlooked the missing source in the reference list before submitting my publication design, so I have to keep in mind to be more careful in my future projects. But I try to get most of the design work done one week early before submission so it made some time for me focus on revising the final dissertation. 

Other than that, coming up with a design idea for my dissertation publication took some time for me since at first I wanted to do something different from my slide designs in Design Research Methodology. But after looking at various designs and going through different layout tryouts, I decided to stay with the sketchy design concept as it’s still fitting to the title, and is easier to get done within the project timeframe as I didn’t need to draw new illustrations to put in the design. The conceptual framework in the introduction section was challenging for me to figure out how to do it too. But after going through it with Dr. Hayati and reading through on my introduction and literature review, I eventually got the hang of the concept and managed to summarise the points in a conceptual framework.
